
Great Books for Parents

Great Books for ParentsThere’s nothing like settling in with a good book.  Whether you’re reading one for advice, for comfort – or just to laugh and relax – a book is the perfect way to end a day.

We love books here at Lullaboo.  We want to share with you a few of our favorites – modern takes on parenting, children, and life with a growing family.  Here’s hoping you get some good tips out of these – or, at least, a much needed laugh!

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk (Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish)

One of the best advice books out there today; How to Talk helps you learn how to solve problems and build a strong relationship with your children.  It has great advice on how to deal with your child’s negative feelings in positive, empowering ways.  It’s not just another “how to” book; it’s a guide on how to foster a cooperative and positive environment in the home.  A game-changer.

Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son’s First Year (Anne Lamott)

Moving from the “how to” to more of a narrative; Operating Instructions sees Lamott dealing with the first year of parenthood and the changes and exhaustion it brought with it.  It’s wonderfully written, going from laugh-out-loud humor to touchingly beautiful stories without a sense of mood whiplash.  It’s an easy read, too – written in a conversational style and formatted as journal entries.  It’s perfect for reading a quick bit or two in between parenting emergencies, making it a great choice.

Go the F— to Sleep (Adam Mansbach and Ricardo Cortes)

It may not be couched in the nicest language, but every parent has been there – dealing with the struggle of just.  Getting.  Your child.  To go.  To.  Bed.    Not a book for your children, but the perfect “children’s book” for exasperated parents with an irreverent sense of humor.  A must-read.

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