Great Words of Encouragement for Your Children

Great Words of Encouragement for Your Children

It’s important to give your children positive feedback.  It helps boost their self-esteem and to show your love and support.  We’re told this time and time again, and it really is a very important part of parenting. The problem is, no one really tells us...
The Importance of Play for Young Children

The Importance of Play for Young Children

The instinct to do everything you can to help your children develop is a noble one, of course.  There’s a feeling that you should be doing everything you can to help them through guided activities, designed to get the most out of their time.  While these...
Solving Parenting Disagreements

Solving Parenting Disagreements

It happens to everyone sooner or later – you and your partner don’t agree on some aspect of parenting.  Even two people who are generally on the same page can find themselves disagreeing from time to time, and when you throw in the wildcard aspect of a child in the...
Two Ways to Save Your Preschooler’s Artwork

Two Ways to Save Your Preschooler’s Artwork

One of the most important things you can do to help your child’s growth is to encourage their creativity.  Creativity helps your children problem-solve, innovate and explore new areas.   It leads to higher self-esteem and motivation – it’s a very important part of a...
Tips for Teaching Your Kids Healthy Choices

Tips for Teaching Your Kids Healthy Choices

One of the most important things you can impart on your kids is the importance of making healthy choices and taking care of their bodies.  Learning that at a young age is key to improving health later in life, as well as handling self-esteem issues. This doesn’t mean...