
$1 Million In Giving by 2025!

Lullaboo has committed to reaching the goal of $1 Million by 2025 to the SickKids Foundation. Since 2008, Lullaboo has been committed to giving back to the community in various ways. Whether it’s giving back to our local shelters with food drives and toy drives, or hosting fundraisers in support of The SickKids Foundation, Lullaboo regularly donates time, effort and funds to support charities that Lullaboo holds close to the heart. We had an incredible year in 2023, raising $190,556. This has allowed us to raise a cumulative $540,000 towards our $1-million goal by 2025!

Lullaboo’s commitment to SickKids Foundation is a natural cause that we can relate to.  Families throughout the Lullaboo community will be affected by the reach of the SickKids Foundation. It is something that is near to all of us.

During the month of May, Lullaboo donates the effective amount payable of all registration fees collected to the SickKids Foundation. Throughout each year, we are always finding ways to donate to local charities by hosting events and donating 100% of the proceeds. Lullaboo hosts fundraising events during special times of the year and annual barbecues at each of our campuses with proceeds going to the SickKids Foundation.

Some of the most common questions asked during a parent’s first visit:

Parent Manual


Additional Child Development Supports

Each region works with Lullaboo and families to support children to participate fully in child care. They will develop a plan that focuses on your child’s strengths and areas of development. The service is free, and a diagnosis is not needed.
This service helps ensure a child’s experience is positive and inclusive. To apply or learn more please click the link below:


►Peel Region    ►York Region   ► Toronto Region   ► Simcoe Region   ► Waterloo Region


To provide more information about your child’s development click to complete the below form:

â–ºLullaboo’s Intake Form


To participate in Lullaboo’s dedicated speech pathology and occupational therapy program please complete the below form:

â–ºDeveloping Hands Referral Form

We Care About Your Suggestions and Concerns

At Lullaboo Nursery and Childcare Centre we believe that complaint resolution is important, and it is incumbent upon us to respond to complaints promptly, accurately and with the utmost courtesy. We will provide our families with accessible means with which to communicate their complaint, and will employ our best efforts to respond and resolve where possible. All complaints and personal information collected, whether written or oral, must be handled in a timely, professional and confidential manner. Our families are entitled to no less.

Help improve your child’s experience at Lullaboo with your suggestions and concerns.


Your feedback will mean a great deal to your child. Every suggestion made helps us to improve the experience of every child at Lullaboo.
