Choosing the right infant daycare for your child involves everything from researching local infant daycare centers’ certification and scheduling, to truly evaluating your own unique situation and finding the childcare option that best meets the needs of your family.
Cost and Safety
More than almost any other factor, cost often is the first thing that parents consider. How much can you afford? How much are you willing to pay for infant daycare? In this case, paying a little more for the peace of mind that your child is being watched by qualified certified personnel in a safe and educational daycare is important. Do the caregivers provide a warm, secure, nurturing environment for your baby? Does the daycare provide educational stimuli for infants? How does the infant daycare schedule mealtimes and naptimes? Asking these questions will give you special insight into how the daycare operates and how they will care for your child. Costs can vary widely based on location, quality of the facility, and the experience of the staff. Work within your budget. Be sure to find the most qualified daycare facility that you can afford.
How long are your work days? Do you need the facility to watch your child into the evening or on weekends? Does the infant daycare accommodate parents if there is an emergency? Talk with the daycare director about your work schedule and specific needs regarding schedule and hours of availability.
Do you have a reliable family member that lives in close proximity to the infant daycare center? Be sure that you choose a facility that is close to your place of work. This will ensure that if there is an emergency, poor weather conditions, or your schedule changes, you have the convenience of picking up your child within fifteen minutes. Some parents find that having their child close allows for extra bonding time with visits. Speak with the infant daycare director about allowances made for parents who want to visit their child during the day. Ask about allowances for nursing mothers.
Choosing the right infant daycare for your child involves a number of factors, from considering cost and certification to schedule and distance. Be sure to make a quick checklist of your needs when visiting an infant daycare facility to ensure that you choose the best for your baby.