Top 5 Pool Safety Tips for Toddlers

Top 5 Pool Safety Tips for Toddlers

Summer is bursting around the corner! Time for beach and pool fun. Read these swimming pool safety guidelines to make your pool safe this year. Watch Your Child at All Times Whether your children are playing in your swimming pool or you are at a public pool, be sure...
Water Safety for Preschoolers this Summer

Water Safety for Preschoolers this Summer

With the summer heat, your kids will want to jump into the pool to cool down. Water safety for preschoolers is extremely important. Keep your children safe and still have fun with these easy-to-follow water safety tips for every family. Swimming Lessons Even if your...
3 Ways to Make Your Car More Child-Friendly

3 Ways to Make Your Car More Child-Friendly

Traveling with children in the car is a fact of life – but cars aren’t really designed with children in mind.  That’s not to say they’re inherently unsafe or anything, just that most cars are designed for the comfort and safety of adult passengers,...