What Types of Preschool Programs are Best for My Child?

What Types of Preschool Programs are Best for My Child?

Deciding the right types of preschool programs for your children can be a daunting decision. There are so many options available: Waldorf, Montessori, and more! Each program has its own unique characteristics and educational techniques. So how can you decide where to...
Great Learning and Educational Toys

Great Learning and Educational Toys

We’re always on the lookout for great new toys.  Educational toys are especially important for toddlers, who are constantly learning and growing.  They don’t just keep children entertained; they keep teach them new, important skills – walking, counting and...
3 Hilarious Children’s Books

3 Hilarious Children’s Books

Learning stick a lot better when it’s fun.  This is true in all walks of life, but especially when it comes to reading.  Having fun during reading improves reading comprehension and increases reading retention, helping boost learning and reading skills quickly. ...
Fun Educational Activities for Young Children

Fun Educational Activities for Young Children

Our theme this month is education continuing at home.  It can be hard, at times, to think of new ways to help expand your child’s learning opportunities in fun and exciting ways.  That’s alright – there’s no need to re-invent the wheel.  There are...
Learning Continues At Home

Learning Continues At Home

Your child’s educational development is very important.  That’s why here at Lullaboo, we’re very proud of our preschool program, where we encourage all to participate in both large and small group activities.  These include dramatic, play, arts and...